The Squid Game Part 1 is now available to watch on Netflix Torrent. The first part of this series follows a young man, who wakes up in the middle of the night with an intense craving for squid. The only problem is that he lives in America and it's 3am - so he has no choice but to take his chances at the local all-night convenience store. However, things quickly take a turn for the worst when he finds himself being pursued by two employees who are hellbent on stopping him from stealing their merchandise.
Don't miss out on this gripping drama! Click download or visit our website for more information about how to get your own copy of the Squid Game Part 1 today!
squid game is rating The first episode of this series followed a young man, who woke up in the middle of the night with an intense craving for squid. The only problem was that he lived in America and it's 3am so he had no choice but to take his chances at the local all-night convenience store. However, things didn't go as planned when he found himself being pursued by two employees who were hellbent on stopping him from stealing their merchandise. In the second instalment of this gripping drama, we follow as our protagonist is forced into a fight for his life as one of these men pulls out a gun. Can he escape to safety? And what will happen next as the story unfolds? This dramatic episode is now available on Netflix Torrent. Click download or visit our website for more information.
If the protagonist would have known what was in store for him, he never would have set foot out of his house. But alas, curiosity got the best of him and he found himself wandering around this all-night convenience store at 3am. He had to hold back a chuckle when he noticed that there were no security cameras pointing towards where they kept their food.
He quickly grabbed one lone package of squid then sprinted into the next aisle before anyone could catch on. This is where things went downhill though because two employees caught up with him just as he made it to the door and blocked his way out!
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